Unable to delete NSX-T Controller Node

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Deleting the NSX-T Controllers from the NSX Manager UI: Two controller nodes get deleted successfully but the last one fails with an error:

Node was not connected; it was not reachable or the cluster was not in majority. Could not delete.

Note: The Cluster Connectivity also shows “Down” in the screenshot above.

In order to resolve this, you would need “admin” access to the NSX-T controllers via putty to forcefully delete it.

1. Logon to the NSX-T controller via Putty using admin credentials and enter the following command:

Deactivate control-cluster force

2. Confirm that you receive the following success message:

“Control cluster deactivation successful”

3. Next, run the following command and hit enter:

set control-cluster security-model shared-secret secret <password1!>

Where “<password1!>” above can be any alphanumeric password

4. Confirm that you receive the following success message:

“Security secret successfully set on the node.”

5. Next, initiate the controller cluster by running the following command:

initialize control-cluster

6. Confirm that you receive the following success message:

“Control cluster initialization successful.”

7. Check the status of the control cluster by running the following command:

Get control-cluster status

The node’s “is master” and “is majority” will both show “true” as shown in the screenshot above.

Note: “The Cluster Connectivity” in the NSX Manage UI, will now show “Up”

8. Click the “gear” Icon and click “Delete”:

9. Click “Confirm”:

10. The Controller request should now proceed ahead with the deletion:

11. Alternatively, you could check vCenter vSphere client “Recent Tasks” to confirm the NSX-T Controller Virtual Machine deletion:

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